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Kamaroi Rudolf Steiner School offers an education that provides a balanced approach to learning.

Our mission

An integrated
approach to learning

Based on Rudolf Steiner’s approach to learning, Kamaroi’s integrated curriculum is designed to enliven and enrich the development of the whole child.

Lessons are consciously designed to be meaningful for the child. As a result, students become passionate and engaged learners with a deep knowledge base and excellent academic skills.

This is achieved in a variety of ways, including;

  • the integration of intellectual, artistic and practical learning within a single unit of work called a Main Lesson,
  • deliberate use of rhythm and routine through the day, week and year,
  • use of storytelling as a key learning tool, introducing fables, myths and legends from around the world,
  • a child-centred, developmentally appropriate curriculum,
  • and the class teacher progressing with the children.
“As a teacher in a Steiner school, you do really develop such a strong connection with the children in your class, and their families”
Our mission

The Main Lesson.

The Main Lesson is a thematic unit of work, which occurs every morning for two hours over three or four weeks. A subject is explored in depth, allowing the students to develop a deep connection to learning and a rich understanding and involvement with each theme, whether it is English, maths, history or science.

Class teachers imbue these lessons with imagination and passion. Written and academic work is enlivened by the children’s deep connection to the content and each subject is explored through stories, imagination, artistic work and practical activities. The richness of these lessons is evident in the beautiful books produced by students, which are filled with written and artistic work.

A rhythmic structure enhances the learning process and builds continuity. Each day begins with singing, poetry, movement, recorder and times-tables being chanted. Spelling or mental maths can also occur in this time, all of which support the children to settle into focused activity before moving to the more in depth study of the Main Lesson.

We explore many world cultures, listen to their stories and study their unique contribution to the development of humanity. In the process, children find that learning is filled with discovery, artistry, and enjoyment.